Chapter 3.
The Four Marketing & PR Pillars of Experience Africa
- Public figures and celebrities
- & Quality TV Shows
- S-World VSN
- Affiliate, Content Marketing, SEM & SEO
“Sadly, Africa continues to face unprecedented challenges in terms of poaching, driven by the flourishing illegal trade in wildlife parts. Africa’s Elephant population has crashed from 1,3000,000 in 1979 to approximately just 400,000 today.
The rangers face grave danger every day. Over the last 10 years over 1000 rangers have given their lives in the name of conservation.
We live in a sorry world where an Elephant requires the sacrifice of a human being for its own survival. But these people cannot face the bullets and the threats alone, it is up to governments and international bodies to unite behind them, to ensure that their efforts on the ground are fruitful.”
HRH The Duke of Cambridge
The Ivory Game – A Netflix Documentary